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It is estimated that safety belts saved more than 15,000 lives in the United States last year. Yet, during this same year 56% of passenger vehicle occupants killed in traffic crashes were unrestrained. More than 63% of fatally injured 16-20 year old passenger vehicle occupants were unrestrained.

In every motor vehicle accident, there are actually two collisions: the first one is the impact of the vehicle, and the second is the “human collision”. If a car traveling 40 mph collides with a stationary object, the human collision will take place at the same velocity.

This is why unbelted occupants of cars are so much more seriously injured than belted occupants. Imagine what it feels like to bang your chest against a steering wheel, or your head against a windshield — at 40 mph! While that might not seem pleasant, ejection from a vehicle is even worse. The fact is that three quarters of occupants who are ejected from passenger cars are killed.

The best way to limit the human collision and protect against ejection is with a safety belt. Research has show that lap & shoulder belts, when used properly, reduce the risk of fatal injury to front seat passenger car occupants by 45%, and the risk of moderate critical injury by 50%.

The proper use of safety belts is estimated to save more than 15,000 lives each year! Put simply: Safety Belts Work. So the bottom line is, every time you get into a vehicle, “Buckle Up!”.

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Help us to promote safety, please fill out the form below to receive your free “Buckle Up” bumper sticker. Please allow 1 week for delivery by USPS. Arizona Residents only, please!

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